9 Awesome Deleted Scenes From The Dark Knight Trilogy

6. Batman Reveals A Secret To John Blake

Reading the final script for The Dark Knight Rises, reveals that not much was actually cut in the transition to film. Small bits of extra dialogue are peppered throughout, but other than that there isn€™t much difference between the script and the final film, meaning this one minor exchange between Batman and John Blake stands out. After saving Blake from death at the hands of Bane€™s henchmen, he inquires as to how Batman is so good at finding people. Batman replies, €œI lost someone once. Since then I break into their homes when they€™re sleeping and implant a tracking device on the back of their neck.€ This answer causes Blake to nervously laugh and feel the back of his neck. This is a pretty noteworthy exchange because it appears to be offering a legitimate explanation for how Batman is able to appear at the perfect moment so often. However, as written, you€™re not sure whether Batman is actually serious or not. Is he joking around with Blake or revealing the uncomfortable truth? No answer is given as the exchange ends there. Even on the page you can tell that the moment is supposed to be humorous, but for whatever reason it just doesn€™t quite work (no doubt that is why the moment was cut).

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.