9 Awesome Movies That Were Shot In Secret

2. Cloverfield

Cloverfield Movie
Paramount Pictures

Hit monster movie Cloverfield is as much remembered for its ground-breakingly enigmatic marketing campaign as the final film itself.

Quietly shot over the summer of 2007 on a $30 million budget with a cast and crew sworn to secrecy, Cloverfield's first trailer was dropped in front of Transformers without a title, quickly stirring up a storm of speculation online, with many believing the film to be a Voltron or H.P. Lovecraft adaptation.

The final title was only confirmed around two months before the film released, and though it would've been so easy for the end result to fall far short of all the hype, it actually ended up mostly delivering the goods.

And of course, in more recent years this has led to a number of films being secretly shot as Cloverfield sequels, and fans are now immediately suspicious of just about any Paramount or Bad Robot-produced sci-fi film that gets announced.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.