9 Awesome Thanos Moments That Need To Be In Avengers: Infinity War

1. The End Of Everything (Marvel: The End)

Thanos is no stranger to true, incomparable power. He€™s wielded the Infinity Gauntlet numerous times and knows what it is like to have entire galaxies at his mercy. The man has done it all and tangled with the best. So, what do you do when you€™ve already been able to manipulate the universe? You become the universe itself. Thanos managed to capture the Heat of the Universe, yet another Marvel object that grants the wielder infinite power (it€™s like the equivalent of a celebrity sex tape here). With the Heart of the Universe in Thanos€™ possession, he did something that made his finger-snap in Infinity Gauntlet pale in comparison; he destroyed the entire multiverse. Now, Thanos has become the only living thing in a black void of emptiness. How do you possibly defeat someone who wields control of that magnitude when nothing exists? Well, you use words. There were only three people that remained (alongside Death); Adam Warlock, Gamora and Atleza. Warlock, knowing that physical combat is impossible, keeps it real with Thanos, by saying something along the lines of;
€˜Look, I know that you are seriously hung up on that Death chick but, dude, you gotta realize that if you actually get rid of everything then you€™re gonna be the only person in the universe, trapped with a girlfriend who tolerates you more than she likes you. You may not actually want others in your life but how are you going to continue to kick ass if you€™re the only ass around to kick?€™
And with that, Thanos put everything back the way it was. Not because he was forced to but simply because he was bored. How It Would Work In Infinity War: Having the reign of terror unleashed by Thanos end in not a fight, but a conversation, would be unexpected and poetic, because we've been conditioned to expect a CGI heavy battle at the end of every single Marvel movie and this would be something that no one will see coming Imagine having Thanos actually win, only to find himself surrounded by emptiness and then be reminded that he's going to get real bored, real fast because you can't punch emptiness. Thanos then brings everything back, only for Batista to rip out his heart. The moral? Ending a conflict with words is for wussies. Thanos will finally get more than a few seconds of screen-time in Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 on May 4 2018

When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.