9 Awesome Thanos Moments That Need To Be In Avengers: Infinity War

4. 'Come And Get Me!' (Infinity Gauntlet #4)

This awesome moment is not one specific moment, per say, but a battle that contains numerous awesome moments. After the snap heard €˜round the universe, the remaining Marvel heroes band together in order to take Thanos out, because the only way to deal with a god who just caused half the universe to exist with the snap of his fingers is to punch him in his huge, purple chin. Naturally, this does not work out well for the heroes, who are all basically there just to divert Thanos€™ attention. And also to die. The battle begins with Thanos simply snapping his fingers once again, freezing time. Mephisto, basically Marvel€™s version of the Devil, uses this chance to convince Thanos that making it too easy on himself will cause Death to think he is lazy. Thanos agrees and cuts himself off from the €˜sensory input from Time, Space, Reality, Thought and the Soul€™, leaving himself with limitless power, but unable to know his €˜enemies€™ next move€™, because that€™s totally fair. Giving the desperate heroes a .05 chance of victory, Thanos shrinks the Hulk to a size that renders him forgettable, turns She-Hulk and Namor into fungus, reduces Doctor Doom to a fiery heap and makes Wolverine€™s adamantium bones turn into €˜spongy rubber€™. But that€™s not all. Thanos then turns Scarlet Witch€™s hex powers against her, cuts of Cyclops€™ oxygen, rips out Vision€™s wiry guts, blows Cloak away, sends Drax and Firelord to prehistoric times, turns Thor into glass, Nova into little cubes and vaporizes Quasar. Captain America is the only one left standing. Being Captain America and stubborn to boot, he confidently strides towards Thanos and gets into a fistfight. Thanos shatters Cap€™s shield with a backhand swipe and, after a failed rescue attempt by Silver Surfer, casually destroys Rogers. All the while, Rogers never flinches. How It Would Work In Infinity War: We know that there's going to be a giant, mind-blowing CGI battle against Thanos in which lives will be lost and then brought back again, because money. But some of the characters in this particular awesome moment will have to be substituted for others that won't cause Fox's lawyers to shower Marvel Studios with menacing paperwork. The battle against Thanos is a given, but what really needs to be taken from this moment is Captain America refusing to bow down to the might of Thanos. Cap is always the one who refuses to give up and with morals as rigid as he has, will see Thanos as just another man who thirsts for power and doesn't care who he hurts to get it. Thanos takes a swing, Cap ducks it and looks great doing so, but the shield is then shattered and Rogers is easily dispatched. Scene.

When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.