9 Awesome Villains For A Guardians Of The Galaxy Sequel

4. Korvac

A traitor to the human race, Michael Korvac collaborated with the Badoon, who were trying to invade Earth. The Badoon then transformed Korvac into a cyborg and he was sent through time by one of the Elders of the Universe (we know they exist in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as Benicio del Toro's Collector character is one of them). Interestingly, one of the characters he was sent through time to fight was Doctor Strange, who we now know exists in the Marvel Cinematic Universe thanks to his name being dropped in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Korvac comes in to conflict with the first Guardians of the Galaxy line-up before meeting Galactus. Already somewhat superhuman thanks to his cybernetic parts, he is then imbued with the Power Cosmic. Now a phenomenally powerful individual, the Collector influenced a scenario in which Korvac fell in love with his daughter and is then forced into a battle with the Avengers and, you guessed it, the Guardians of the Galaxy. While Korvac's back-story conflicts with Marvel Studios' current situation (they aren't using the first Guardians of the Galaxy team, they don't have the rights to the Badoon and they don't have the rights to Galactus), there is no reason this can't be altered to suit - and Korvac would be a very cool villain to use, so it's something they should definitely consider.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.