9 Awesome Villains For A New Green Lantern Movie

6. Doctor Polaris

DC ComicsDC ComicsDoctor Polaris is a moniker that has been shared by a couple of DC characters over the years, but the most prominent is certainly Neal Emerson. Emerson was raised by a very abusive father when he was younger - which could go a long way to explaining how he turned out - and ended up as a medical student. He developed a major fascination with magnets, despite the fact that it attracted teasing and bullying from fellow students, and became convinced that exposing himself to magnetic fields would give him energy and make him powerful. As he got older, he even began giving talks that he called "Health via Magnetism" and wore a costume to deliver them. This would lead to a downward spiral in to villainy. He had developed a form of ferrokinesis and, as such, was capable of manipulating and channelling magnetic fields (think Magneto-lite). He can move, alter and explode metal at will and can use his powers to simulate flight. He might be considered too similar to Magneto to bring to the big screen but, then again, that could also be seen as a recipe for success. Regardless, Doctor Polaris is a classic Green Lantern villain and very few people would complain if he was to turn up in a movie.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.