9 Awesome Villains For A New Green Lantern Movie

3. Black Hand

DC ComicsDC ComicsAlthough this could fall in to the category of "another Corps" (see entry number 9), Black Hand is a villain with a more specific history as a solo Green Lantern foe than most other Corps leaders (the next, upcoming entry aside) and, as such, his particular plight could be more interesting to explore specifically - particularly given his role as the head of the Black Lantern Corps. He could be presented in two different ways; First, he could be a solo villain who can absorb his victim or opponent's lifeforce and who wields a device that can manipulate the powerful energy of a Green Lantern power ring. The device can obtain this energy by directly draining it from a ring through physical contact or by merely feeding off the residue a power ring gives off. Second, he could be the leader of the Black Lanterns. Although few major characters have died in the DC Cinematic Universe yet (and it is likely that not many more will have by the time a potential appearance from Black Hand comes around), he could use generic corpses as his soldiers - each with a Black Lantern power ring. Alternatively, he could be presented as a solo Green Lantern villain, die at the end of the movie, and then be resurrected at a later date in order to go up against the Justice League in a Blackest Night movie. By that time, General Zod could have been joined in death by a number of other characters in the DC Cinematic Universe who could be resurrected to join Black Hand's undead army.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.