9 Awesome Villains For A New Green Lantern Movie

4. The Weaponers Of Qward

DC ComicsDC ComicsQward occupies the same space in the Anti-Matter universe that Oa - the home of the Green Lanterns and Guardians of the Universe - occupies in the main DC universe. The Weaponers are humanoid warriors who have a very militarised existence and they were formed by Yokal the Atrocious with the aim of being the antithesis to the Oan Guardians of the Universe. Their only desires are chaos and conquest and they completely and utterly despise the Guardians and the Green Lanterns. As a result, they are determined to destroy them. They use weapons that used yellow energy called "Qwa" (yellow due to the Green Lantern's original weakness) - weapons that are powerful enough to hurt even the most durable heroes - and have yellow energy shields, making them very difficult for the Green Lanterns to overcome. Like the Manhunters, they would represent a group threat - in the same way the Chitauri did in the Avengers movie (and, incidentally, the Weaponers would also have to come through a portal, like the Chitauri did) - and would lead to some fantastic, large-scale on-screen battles if they were used in a movie. The visuals could be fantastic and the face of the Weaponers could come in the form of General Fabrikant - a diminutive, but strategically genius Weaponer who infiltrated Earth by disguising himself as a child.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.