9 Awful Characters Who Nearly Ruined Awesome Movies

5. Saw Gerrera - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Emma Frost

When you bring in an actor of Forest Whitaker's ability to play one of the most intriguing characters in the Star Wars universe, it's fair to say rather big things are to be expected.

However, when the Academy Award winner finally made his on-screen debut as Saw Gerrera, leader of the extremist rebels known as the Partisans, in Rogue One, many general audience members were left wondering what all the fuss was about.

When Gerrera is actually present in the prequel to the Original trilogy (which admittedly isn't that often) he's regularly found doing nothing more than drearily rambling. Also, despite training/raising the film's lead character, Jyn Erso, we never actually see much of that relationship other than when Saw shows Jyn an important message from her father, moments before he chooses to stay and die in a city which has just been blasted by the Death Star.

Sure, Gerrera had clearly been pushed to his limit after years of fighting against evil forces, but this rickety, half mechanical version of the character, equipped with Darth Vader-esque breathing apparatus, felt like a shadow of the person hardcore Star Wars fans thought they were getting in the feature.

Judging from scenes featured in early trailers for the film, it appears some far more interesting Gerrera footage was actually left on the cutting room floor...which is a mighty shame. Those extra moments could have helped make this notable figure yet another highlight in arguably the greatest Star Wars film of the modern era.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...