9 Baffling Horror Movie Mistakes You Never Noticed

4. A Literal Misstep - A Nightmare On Elm Street

Orphan movie
New Line Cinema

In Wes Craven's A Nightmare On Elm Street, Nancy finds herself being attacked by a demon named Freddy Kruger in her nightmares. Since Freddy can control dreams, the fedora-wearing monster torments his victims by warping reality around them while they sleep. While Nancy flees from him, Freddy passes through walls, licks her through the telephone, and makes her bed gorge on her boyfriend

As Freddy chases her during one sequence, she attempts to run to her bedroom but struggles since the steps of the staircase turn to sludge. Obviously, this scene was shot by building a real staircase with pre-cut holes constructed in the areas where the actress would step in. The reason why we know this is how they filmed the scenes is because... you can see the pre-cut holes before Nancy steps in them!

Just to be clear, this isn't a blink-and-you-will-miss it error. The camera lingers on the pre-cut hole for a good three seconds, which is more than enough time for eagle-eyed viewers to spot it. This mistake was easy to miss back in the day but thanks to modern pixel-perfect HD quality, it's impossible to miss.

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