9 Baffling Horror Movie Mistakes You Never Noticed

3. Regan's Ear Makeup - The Exorcist

Orphan movie
Warner Bros

In The Exorcist, a teenager called Regan finds herself in a bit of a pickle when she messes with a ouija board and gets possessed by the Babylonian demon, Pazuzu. After Regan attacks her family, defiles her body, and spiderwalks down the stairs, her mother has no choice but to call a priest to exorcise the entity.

When Father Karras arrives, Regan barely looks human due to her ghostly skin, demonic eyes, and gashed face. Although this design's purpose is to highlight Pazuzu taking control over Regan's body, it did cause a noticeable inconsistency.

When Father Karras douses Regan in holy water, she begins screaming and writhing in pain. As the actress, Linda Blair, jerks her head around, you can see her ear is normally coloured, which looks jarring compared to the chalk-white makeup on her face. Obviously, the makeup department assumed Linda's ears would be hidden under her hair and didn't realise they would become visible when she shifted around violently. If the makeup department took an extra couple of seconds to whiten Linda Blair's ears, this mistake could've been avoided.

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