9 Behind-The-Scenes Stories You Didn't Know About Your Favourite Films

3. George Clooney's Fight - Three Kings

Titanic film
Warner Bros.

The 1999 movie, Three Kings, might not be one of George Clooney's best-known films but the epic fight that went down on set between Clooney and the film's director, David O. Russell, is a story worth telling.

During the filming for the movie's ending, tensions were raised between Clooney and Russell, who'd already had heated arguments on set throughout filming, due to the intensity of the production. When Clooney saw David O. Russell screaming at the extras' assistant director on set, though, he flipped his lid.

Producer Charles Roven stated:

"Now we're shooting the climax of the movie. Helicopters, explosions, gunfire. It's chaos, madness. And George sees David talking to the extras' assistant director and it looks like he's yelling at him. But he's yelling to be heard. And George comes running over and goes, 'I told you, motherfucker, if you're going to pick on somebody, pick on me'. And David goes. 'Why don't you just !*$% remember your lines for once?' And boom! They grab each other, and they're tussling. And so I pulled George away. That was it."

Picking on an assistant director is one thing, but criticising an actor's ability to remember lines is a quick way to earn yourself an ass-kicking.

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Alright? Film student and freelance photographer living on Earth. Read my stuff and follow me on Twitter (@timxsaxby) for my off-key remarks and crazy insights. Fan of Doctor Who, Back To The Future and a lot of British sitcoms.