9 Best Changes Stephen King Movies Made From The Books

2. Taking Out That One Scene - It: Chapter One

Misery Not In The Book
Warner Bros.

Besides the change of dates to line It up with more modern sensibilities, there was one other major change that director Andy Muschietti made from King's novel.

After their first battle with Pennywise, the members of the Losers Club emerge victorious from the sewers, hoping that It will starve to death before having a chance to return. When Beverly reveals her vision of the Losers Club fighting It again as adults, they each swear to one another to return if It should ever reappear.

While most of us knew that this scene was specifically to set up It: Chapter Two, not everyone in the audience was familiar with the scene from the book that it replaced.

In the book, in a strange and apparently symbolic scene, each of the boys of the Losers Club loses their virginity to Beverly in one long, unpleasant passage that thankfully everyone involved had the good sense to omit entirely from the movie. The scene was also not included in the 1990 miniseries based on the book, and with any luck, the bizarre inclusion to the book will be forgotten entirely.


Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.