9 Better Villains Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 Should Have Used

1. Lady Death

Guardians of the Galaxy Villain
Marvel Comics

What better villain can you ask for than death itself?

While there is speculation that Ayesha will embody some of the characteristics of Lady Death in the Guardians of the Galaxy sequel, it will never live up to the potential of having a fully realised version brought to the big screen.

The best thing about Death is that she has more sway with Thanos than any other character. As her doting lover, he is essentially putty to her whims which, luckily for high-stakes storytelling, involve mass murder to fuel her powers.

If Marvel continues their trend of presenting rounded characters, it would be a great coup to build the purple, gauntlet wearing demi-god up to be the main villain of the piece, only to reveal that he himself has been manipulated.

Even Thanos himself, Josh Brolin, has voiced his support for the inclusion of the character:

"His relationship with Death, who is actually the woman, I love that. You can take Sin City and pump it full of steroids, and then you have Thanos. I like that he's motivated by that -- not just motivated by destruction or death or this or that. He's motivated by a very identifiable, human trait."

If that’s not reason enough to include this macabre mistress, nothing ever will be.


A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson