9 Better Villains Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 Should Have Used

2. Shuma Gorath

Guardians of the Galaxy Villain
Marvel Comics

Given that they have a pretty infinite area to travel around, the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie seemed to keep them firmly in the sectors where all the humanoid aliens live. Where is the variety?

A completely alien foe would breathe new life into the series and offer new challenges for the team to overcome. It would at least be more interesting than a villain who styles herself after Shirley Eaton from Goldfinger.

Shuma Gorath would not only look very impressive on screen, he would up the stakes immeasurably for the Guardians. As well as rocking an awesome one-eyed space quid vibe, he is described by Marvel as:

“An ancient force of chaos, the immortal, nigh-invincible, and godlike ruler of nearly a hundred alternate universes.”

That’s prime villain material right there.

If you want to bring heroes and villains together (which they seem to be leaning towards with Yondu, Nebula and all the rest) there’s nothing more motivating than joining forces to fight against a creature that threatens every living being across multiple planes of existence.

Plus, it would be so amazing to see Chris Pratt’s Star-Lord banter his way to victory against with a being that can destroy entire galaxies with its mind.


A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson