9 Biggest Movies Coming Out In July 2018

6. The Nun

Ant Man And The Wasp
Warner Bros

With all the hubbub of cinematic universes like Marvel, DC, Monsterverse and Dark Universe, James Wan and co have quietly been setting up their own franchise of horror films. The Conjuring has had two instalments with a third on the way, and whilst the first spin-off Annabelle didn't do so well critically it was a commercial success leading to a prequel out later this summer.

But the franchise is set to further expand next summer with The Nun, which will explore the origins of the demonic character Valak first seen in The Conjuring 2. It's perhaps an odd choice to create a spin-off around.

Annabelle may not have been a major part of the first Conjuring's plot, but she had an iconic look to her and an origin that was at least worth exploring on paper. Then again, a demonic nun is an oxymoron of a monster that could have potential if approached in the right hands.

On a weirder note, Taissa Farmiga has been cast in the lead role as Sister Irene. Does mean there's a connection between her and Vera Farmiga's character of Lorraine Warren? Casting two siblings in unrelated roles in a movie isn't uncommon, but could this be a way of tying The Nun back into The Conjuring 2 somehow? This is all speculation and Taissa Farmiga may have just been the best actress for the role, but it's an idea worth pondering nonetheless.


Aspiring screenwriter, film critic, pop culture fanatic and perpetual dreamer. May contain nuts.