9 Biggest Movies Coming Out In July 2018

4. The Spy Who Dumped Me

Ant Man And The Wasp

Female-driven comedies can be either a great vehicle to showcase underrated talent to a malnourished audience, or it can be pandering nonsense that fails please any audience. Successes like Bridesmaids and Bad Moms have proven to be summer box office gold, but fare like The Other Woman and Rough Night has been trounced critically, commercially, or even both.

The Spy Who Dumped Me could certainly fall into either camp. Spy movies have proven just as popular as female-driven comedies lately, but the genre mash-up has been effectively done pretty recently with films like Spy, This Means War and Mr. and Mrs. Smith. What should hopefully set this film apart is its winning star duo of Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon.

Kunis has shown herself to be an effective comic lead in films like the aforementioned Bad Moms, Ted and Friends With Benefits, and whilst McKinnon has yet to land herself a big hit movie she is consistently the best part of every project she's been in.

This is the first big studio film for director Susanna Fogel after the indie rom com Life Partners, so its hard to judge if she's up to the task of helming a big action-comedy, but if the script is solid and the leads deliver then this could be the surprise comedy hit of next summer.


Aspiring screenwriter, film critic, pop culture fanatic and perpetual dreamer. May contain nuts.