9 Biggest Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens Rumours

8. The Inquisitors Are The Villains

The Rumour: This August, Latino Review dropped another huge spoiler bomb on Star Wars fans€™ heads with a (potential) reveal of Episode VII€™s main baddies: the nefarious Inquisitors from the Star Wars: Rebels TV series. Likelihood: Highly Likely As of Episode VI, the Sith and the Empire they built are no more. Now that there€™s a vacuum of villainy at the heart of the Star Wars universe, Abrams & Co needs to fill the void with a fresh team of evildoers. The Inquisitors seem like a perfect fit. For those readers who are unfamiliar with the Inquisitors, they€™re basically the KGB of Emperor Palpatine€™s evil regime. They would probably want a return to the old status quo of the Galactic Empire. Latino Review claims that the flashback showing Vader will introduce the Inquisitors, which would give the Inquisitors some significant bad guy cred. Story-wise, the Inquisitors make sense as Episode VII€™s new villains. The Inquisitors are already an established presence in the Star Wars: Rebels TV series, so avid Star Wars fans are prepared for their upcoming appearance. Disney likely included the Inquisitors in Star Wars: Rebels as a savvy way to build brand recognition before the Inquisitors€™ big reveal in The Force Awakens.

I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.