9 Biggest Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens Rumours

7. There Will Be A Female Villain

The Rumour: The hardworking folks at Latino Review again spoiled The Force Awakens for everyone by revealing Episode VII will feature a female villain. Given the dearth of female villains in the Star Wars cinematic universe, a badass lady villain could be a hit with female Star Wars fans. Likelihood: Very Likely The makers of Episode VII have recruited some serious up-and-coming female talent for their cast like Daisy Ridley, Academy Award-winner Lupita Nyong€™o, and Gwendoline Christie. Also, signs are pointing to the protagonist of The Force Awakens being female. The makers of The Force Awakens seem intent on having a more diverse human cast than the ones found in previous Star Wars instalments, which means women will pop up in larger roles. It would be a significant waste of talent to have actress like Nyong€™o or Christie play minor characters in the saga. The cadre of villains in the original and prequel trilogies could aptly be described as a sausage party with only one female villain showing up in Episode II (who ended up being a shape-shifting alien). The Force Awakens has a chance to correct this oversight. It would just be good business to attract a wider female audience by having women play major characters in the new instalment.

I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.