9 Blaxploitation Films You Need To See

8. Blacula

pam grier foxy brown

Ever wondered what would happen if an African Prince turned to Dracula to help him stop the slave trade? Ever wondered what would happen if Ol' Vlad turned the Prince to the dark side instead?

Well then, is this the movie for you.

Released in 1972, Blacula didn't work as a horror movie then and really doesn't work as one now. The special effects and make up are laughable and it's about as scary as puppy in a sailor outfit but as an example of a great bad movie, it's a scream.

The main reason for its success is William Marshall, who plays it straight down the middle and puts in a rock star performance among a Village People tribute act. He makes this film.

And even though it didn't, as one critic claimed, kill off a whole new genre of 'black horror' before it got started it sure did its best to drive a nail in its coffin.

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Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.