9 Most Brutally Satisfying Fights Ever Put On Film

7. Oldboy: The One Versus The Many

It couldn't be a list without the one scene that arguably ushered in the likes of The Raid. Oldboy is a masterpiece of revenge cinema. It set a bar so high that - even since its release over ten years ago - has yet to be matched. Even Spike Lee's pathetic remake couldn't muster the strength to simply be a mindlessly compelling drama. Considering Oldboy is now widely known, I understand many might find this moment typical of any "Best Fights" list. However, ten years ago, when I first laid eyes upon such an epic use of the one-take formula, I could barely believe what I was watching. There's a glorious rawness here that cannot be matched and elevates such blood-spilling to that of an art form. Everything about this harrowingly violent exchange is portrayed in an almost unbiased light as Oh Dae-Su deals just as hard as he receives. Even after taking a knife to the back, boards to the torso and even tripping on the wooden fragments (unintentionally), our revenge-fueled anti-hero just keeps on going. Planks shatter, fists get weak and knives get stuck, but a gore-stained hammer just doesn't quit.

Greetings from The Yentz! The Warrior of the Wasteland! The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla! I live, eat and breathe film... And videogames... And comics... And, well... Anything that might be considered "nerd related". I consider myself the voice against that of mainstream cinema. While critics might praise the ostentatious drivel supplied by Oscar-pandering films, I enjoy directing attention to less popular gems in hopes of educating people on incredible film experiences that may not be backed by massive studios, nominations and a star-studded cast. Outside of WhatCulture!, I write for Movieweb, assisted BlueCat as a script analyst, have worked on films from the east coast to the west and continue to write, critique and direct here in the lovable land of ol' LA. I hope you enjoy reading my diatribes as much as I enjoy writing them.