9 Canon Changes That Would Make Star Wars Instantly Better

7. Padme Lives Long Enough For Leia To Remember Her

Star Wars Revenge Of The Sith Padme

One of the weirder moments that pop up during the Original Trilogy during a rewatch comes during Leia Organa's conversation with Luke Skywalker as the latter explains that the two are actually siblings.

According to the princess, she actually remembered her mother and would even tell her brother that "she was very beautiful. Kind, but sad."

The line worked fine back in 1983. But with it eventually being revealed that Padme Amidala died in child-birth during Revenge of the Sith, the dialogue now feels a little bizarre and sticks out as a rather odd plot hole.

Had Padme been able to survive the birth of her twins, and simply decided it was too risky to keep both kids on the same planet, then perhaps there could have been a version of the story where Amidala was able to secretly raise Leia on Alderaan for a few years, and even continue to aid the Rebellion in hiding while Luke was raised on Tatooine.

Vader would have no doubt gotten wind of her survival in the end, of course, and perhaps his need for her to join him could have even led to her eventual demise at the hands of an incensed fallen Anakin if Amidala refused.

Padme not ridiculously dying of a broken heart would have not only filled in a jarring plot hole, it would have likely led to an even more impactful end for this underutilised freedom fighter.

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