9 Canon Changes That Would Make Star Wars Instantly Better

3. Anakin Skywalker Speaks To Kylo Ren In The Sequels

Star Wars Revenge Of The Sith Padme

Similarly to Ahsoka Tano's absence in the prequels feeling quite strange in the wake of eventually learning just how significant a part she played in the Clone Wars, the lack of major appearance from her fallen master in the sequels was also a bit odd.

Throughout the trilogy, Kylo Ren had obsessed over his grandfather and dedicated himself to finishing what Vader started. But rather than playing a big role in eventually nudging the troubled Ben Solo back towards the light, it's the Force-user's own father who decides to appear in front of him on Kef Bir.

It was sweet to see Han Solo pop back up as a vision/memory in front of his boy and be the person who helped bring Ben back from the darkness. But having Anakin in that position instead, or even showing up moments before Solo's memory appears, as a Force Ghost would have been unquestionably powerful.

After spending so much of his life idolising the Sith Lord Anakin eventually became, hearing from a redeemed one-time Vader that there was still good in him and time for Solo to make up for his mistakes could've turned a heartwarming sequence into an even more moving Skywalker Saga moment.

And seeing Hayden Christensen back on the big-screen as Skywalker is always a bonus, too!

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