9 Canon Changes That Would Make Star Wars Instantly Better

2. Keep Rey As A Nobody

Star Wars Revenge Of The Sith Padme

Along with the Emperor "somehow" returning, another revelation very much split the franchise in Episode IX.

After it was sensationally noted in The Last Jedi that Rey wasn't actually related to any of the galaxy's most famous Force-users and was little more than a "nobody" who was incredibly strong with the Force, J. J. Abrams and the gang came along and decided "nah, let's just make her Palpatine's granddaughter instead!"

It was a baffling call back in 2019, and it has aged like a pint of blue milk in the years since.

Making Rey just your Average Jane who remarkably ended up being one of the most important and powerful people in this universe, was a bold and admirable move. It told viewers that anyone could make a difference and find it in them to become the hero of the story.

And sticking with that idea instead of having her strangely be revealed as a Palpatine all along wouldn't have just been a more inspiring message to throw out into the world, it would have also kept the galaxy from feeling so much smaller by the time The Rise of Skywalker reached its underwhelming end.

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