9 Canon Changes That Would Make Star Wars Instantly Better

1. A Stormtrooper Rebellion

Star Wars Revenge Of The Sith Padme

Now here's a change that none other than Finn himself would make if he was given the opportunity to slightly alter Star Wars canon.

As John Boyega would explain when talking to Vanity Fair about what he'd change about the story told in the films he was involved in, a "stormtrooper rebellion" is something he certainly feels should have been a part of the sequel trilogy.

Oh, and he also thought Luke Skywalker deserved more moments of redemption after Episode VIII.

But when it comes to that other stormtrooper idea, Boyega would eventually note to Yahoo! how he felt original Episode IX director Colin Trevorrow was going to tell the story of Finn leading a bunch of reformed troopers into battle against the First Order on Coruscant, referring to early concept art that eventually dropped online showing his one-time stormtrooper waving the blue flag of rebellion alongside the likes of Poe and Rose.

Getting to watch Finn bring his time in the Skywalker Saga to an end as a person who helped inspire and lead a group of one-time stormtroopers, in a fight for the galaxy against the dark forces that had kidnapped them as children, would have been undoubtedly awesome.

Though anything would have been better than the way the character was depressingly nudged to one side during the rather disappointing end to this nine-movie tale.

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