9 Children's Movies That Are Way Creepier Than You Remember

5. All Dogs Go To Heaven

The name itself implies a blend of heartwarming hope and bleak reality. "Yes, children, your pets will die one day, but not to worry, they're going to a much better place. So please...stop crying." Except, it's almost impossible for children not to cry themselves to sleep after watching All Dogs Go To Heaven, because a significant turning point in the film comes when our main character, Charlie, has a nightmare about being dragged into the bowels of hell by a bunch of little green-eyed demon dogs.

It's the worst thing you've seen happen to a dog since your friend bought those bedazzled Ed Hardy pooch pants for his chocolate lab. But what makes this even worse is that although that particular sequence is just a dream, we learn later on in the film that hell is indeed a real place where dogs really can go.

So yeah... that title is complete bulldog sh*t.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.