9 Creepiest Clown Movies Of All Time

3. The Clown At Midnight

Killer Klowns
Fires Film Group

As previously alluded to, nobody likes a clown at midnight. Similarly, it seems as though nobody likes The Clown at Midnight, but that might just be because nobody has heard of it.

This 1998 film somehow starring Christopher Plummer and Tatyana Ali, back when people knew who Tatyana Ali was, has pretty much gone unnoticed for the almost 20 years it has existed. It shouldn’t. While the acting isn’t top notch, other than Plummer and a surprisingly short turn from Margot Kidder, it’s still serviceable.

Admittedly, Tatyana Ali is more annoying than a thousand Hillary Banks’, and the token gay character is so stereotypical he makes Liberace look like Tom Selleck. But Sarah Lassez plays a decent lead heroine as Kate, the daughter of an opera singer who was murdered on the closing night of Paggliaci, by the star-crossed lover who played the titular character. Kate returns to the scene of the crime years later, as her acting class is restoring the old theater. It is at this theatre that Kate comes face to face with her demons, both emotionally and in the greasepaint-applied flesh.

It has everything you would expect from that type of movie: an angsty heroine, a boy “from the wrong side of the tracks,” the black friend, the bitchy pretty one and that guy that seemed to be in every 90’s show ever. Plus, it has Christopher Plummer, which in itself is utterly baffling but brilliant.

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Nick Perkins wrote the book of love. He also writes/has written for publications such as MTV, Wrestlezone, Batman On Film and more. He is a copywriter by day, interesting stuff-writer by night. He fancies himself a Mad Men but he doesn't drink, smoke or cheat on his wife. So basically, he wears a suit and works for an ad firm.