9 Deleted Movie Sub-Plots That Changed Everything

8. The Uninvited (1944) - The Missing Priest

Hannibal thumb
Paramount Pictures, Inc.

There is one line that remains in the final cut of this film that betrays its earlier form, a line in which a character refers to a priest we’ve never seen or heard of. Out of the blue and without much followup, it’s a comment that is easy to ignore - but if you know, then you know.

Before the final cuts and touches, The Uninvited featured a whole subplot and additional character by way of Father Anson. In the book the film is based on Uneasy Freehold by Dorothy Macardle, where Father Anson is a local priest and advocate for Mary’s character.

He helped paint the picture, along with other locals, of Mary being a beautiful, virtuous woman and her rival Carmel being ungodly. His input rooted the film’s supernatural elements in more biblical origins, with heavier mentions of demons being the antithesis of angels, rather than run-of-the-mill monsters.

Much of his motivation in the novel is that he wants to perform an exorcism on the haunted house, something that could’ve made for some nice scary visuals if included in the film.

Father Anson was however completely removed before the film ever reached audiences, taking with him his biblical brand of supernatural horror.


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