9 Deleted Scenes That Explain Confusing Movie Moments

7. I'm A Pig - Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Buena Vista Pictures Distribution, Inc.

If you thought the world of Roger Rabbit, with toons and humans living in 1940's LA, was a little weird, the revelations made during an extended deleted sequence will send you tripping. In the edit long enough to appear in trailers, the scene has Eddie Valiant kidnapped by the gleefully obvious Judge Doom and taken to Toontown, where the weasels turn into a half toon, half human hybrid by somehow melding a fake pig noggin to his head.

Narratively it serves no real purpose, only reaffirming that Doom and the weasels may not be the good guys (and reminding us of the effect of turpentine), so seeing it cut isn't a travesty. However it shed a lot of light on the rules of the world (as well as clearing up a minor confusion). Taking the tram home, Eddie finds himself forced to sit in the designation toon section, highlighting the racism parallels that provide a peripheral subtext in the final film.

As for the confusing moment this is explaining, we get a reason why Eddie casually goes home and procrastinates in the shower while Roger's life hangs in the balance.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.