9 Deleted Scenes That Explain Confusing Movie Moments

6. The Opening - Prometheus

20th Century Fox

Remember that scene in Prometheus that didn't make sense? Oh wait, that's not specific enough... Remember that scene in Prometheus that made the Engineer's motives confusing? Nope, still not quite there...

Yeah, Ridley Scott's Alien pseudo-prequel got a bit of a bad wrap when it was released, with much of the hate going towards its distanced approach the vague mysteries it threw up. The film isn't as impenetrable as the extreme detractors would have you believe, but getting to a point where its ideas all makes sense certainly takes longer than it should. It's easy to glean that the Engineers created humans and were planning to destroy us with the black goo, which is when the xenomorphs come from, but that only poses more questions.

An alternate opening, however, could have made things work a lot easier. Showing the Engineer from the theatrical version watched by a larger group, it gives his DNA deconstruction a sacrificial edge and sets some of the bigger ideas about our creators in motion twenty minutes before they're first referenced properly in the film. Probably cut in a misguided and unnecessary attempt to give the film ambiguity, a reappearance in a director's cut would improve Prometheus no end.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.