9 Deleted Scenes That Totally Change How You View Famous Characters

1. Yoda Confesses - Return Of The Jedi

yoda star wars

The Deleted Scene: There's something mythical about Star Wars deleted scenes. Luke meeting Biggs in Anchorhead, Echo Base's Wampa problem and the Imperial politics on the second Death Star are legendary, thanks in no small part to being endlessly dissected in the decades before YouTube made actually seeing them easy.

Less talked about, however, is this one; an alternate take of Yoda's death. The Jedi Master takes a lot longer to die than in the finished film, talking more about Vader's identity and revealing he forbade Obi-Wan from telling Luke the truth.

How It Changes The Character: Before his self-imposed exile at the end of Revenge Of The Sith, audiences had never really seen Yoda admit his flaws. This brief admission of guilt humanises the character ahead of time and opens up the possibility of Luke being a Jedi on a similar level.

The extra dialogue also works to better touch on an oft-overlooked element of Episode VI - the conflict within the Jedi. In the end, Luke isn't just taking on the Emperor when he tries to redeem Vader - he's going against the beliefs of his mentors, who fully think that Anakin is dead, replaced by the evil of Vader.

But, besides all that, it exonerates Obi-Wan. The hasty retcon in Return Of The Jedi to explain all the erroneous talk about how great Anakin was pre-reveal has always sat a bit iffy with fans, but now Ben's not a senile old fool or a blatant liar. Instead, he's simply working on his master's orders.

Which other deleted scenes completely change famous characters? Share any that were missed down in the comments.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.