9 Deleted Scenes That Totally Change How You View Famous Characters

8. Draco Switches Sides - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Part 2

Draco Switches Sides
Warner Bros.

The Deleted Scene: The final Harry Potter film changed quite a bit from J. K. Rowling's book, transplanting and removing key dialogue scenes and boosting certain supporting characters to greater prominence. This scene sees the movie diverge even more from the source, with Draco Malfoy, the guy who's been making Harry's life hell since they were eleven, suddenly turning his back on Voldemort and throwing Harry his wand during the climactic battle.

Turns out nobody's born evil. Well, unless they were conceived while under the effects of a love potion.

How It Changes The Character: Draco has always been destined for dark things - his last name literally translates as bad faith in French - and in the books the culmination of that is him rejecting being a stooge to the Dark Lord like his father and instead treading an average middle-ground (he still sticks somewhat to tradition though, naming his son Scorpius)

This scene would have pushed that so much further, to the point where he doesn't just forsake evil, but actively embraces good. Tom Felton's fans would have been swooning (more so).

The scene itself was probably deleted less because it reevaluates a fan-favourite character, however, and more because it doesn't make any sense. The implications of this is that Harry now has control of Draco's wand, and by extension the Elder Wand, but that's a plot point that has already been established.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.