9 Deleted Scenes That Totally Change How You View Famous Characters

6. The Lizard Tells The Untold Story - The Amazing Spider-Man

Lizard dr ratha
Sony Pictures

The Deleted Scene: As well as searching for Uncle Ben's killer and trying to deal with petty crime, the Peter Parker of The Amazing Spider-Man is driven by the mystery surrounding his parent's disappearance. A deleted scene showing a three-way showdown between Spidey, Lizard and Dr. Ratha would have provided some resolution to that plot thread instead of leaving it for the second film; the spider that bit Peter was genetically modified by his father to only react to Parker DNA.

The scene itself has never been seen (and given that the franchise is now over, it likely never will), but information was pieced together by disgruntled fans from the trailers that pushed this story angle before Sony re-edited the movie to better set up a sequel.

How It Changes The Character: Every character involved in this scene is vastly improved. Dr. Ratha is killed, meaning he doesn't just disappear halfway through the film without a trace, and Peter's arc has some actual development. Although it's the Lizard who benefits the most, becoming more than just a snarling mad scientist.

The Amazing Spider-Man was very much in the vein of Batman Begins, dedicating much of its runtime to the origin story. But whereas the finale of Nolan's film was directly tied into the birth of Batman, Marc Webb's just gives up and provides a typical pesudo-high stakes CGI fest which has little relevance to Peter's emotional state. Having the Lizard be more than just his father's friend, however, would link the third act to the main story momentum.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.