9 Dumbest Weapons In Sci-Fi Movies

1. The Noisy Cricket (Men In Black)

Noisy Cricket MIB
Columbia Pictures

Men In Black is one of the best science fiction comedies of all time. Every time you watch it, it finds a way to somehow get funnier. But as a consequence of constant replays, you also realize just how idiotic K is being for handing J the noisy cricket on his first day on the job.

The noisy cricket is a tiny, tiny little pistol that shoots with the force of a howitzer. But as a consequence, it also KICKS like a howitzer, sending J flying back whenever he fires it. Besides making K look like a dope for handing a brand new recruit something so powerful and NOT telling him about it, no human agent should even have this weapon to begin with.

J is the luckiest man alive for both being a cop (thus trained in proper shooting stance so the cricket's kick doesn't break his arm) and that there's always something immediately behind him to slow down his knock back. Humans aren't built for the kind of kick the noisy cricket contains, so the fact that the MIB apparently keeps this weapon as standard issue makes you wonder how much needless collateral damage happened because no new recruits were told "oh hey by the way you're packing a mini BAZOOKA, so maybe be careful yeah?"

I guess the downside to being able to easily wipe people's minds is that you get REALLY sloppy.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?