9 Famous Actors With Incredibly Embarrassing Film Debuts

2. George Clooney - Return To Horror High

New World Pictures
New World Pictures

The Movie: Five years after a gruesome series of murders at Crippen High School, a film company decides to shoot a horror movie based on the events at the long-abandoned, now-legendary school. But during production, the film's cast and crew find themselves being picked off one-by-one in increasingly grisly murders.

The story is told from the perspective of the sole survivor of the massacre (who happens to be the screenwriter of the movie-within-a-movie), as he retells the events to the police. It's basically part Scream and part The Usual Suspects, but without any of the good things from either of those flicks.

The Role: In his first non-extra film role, Clooney plays the part of an actor playing the part of the police officer investigating the first series of murders from the movie-within-the-movie. If that sounds too complicated, all you have to know is this: Clooney, still sporting that magnificent Roseanne-era mullet, is the first person in the movie to bite the dust after he gets lost looking for the parking lot.

Not only that, but he appears to get raped to death by a mysterious man wearing yellow gloves. It's...well it's not exactly The Ides of March.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.