9 Famous Actors With Incredibly Embarrassing Film Debuts

1. Sylvester Stallone - The Party At Kitty And Stud's

Cinema Epoch / Italian Stallion Productions
Cinema Epoch / Italian Stallion Productions

The Movie: It's porn. The Party At Kitty and Stud's is soft-core porn. (As if the names Kitty and Stud didn't give that away.) Not sure this really requires a synopsis (because...it's porn), but here we go: Stud is a big oaf who's great in the sack and thinks his girlfriend, Kitty, could use some "opening up" sexually.

So he invites a bunch of people over to their apartment for an orgy. The film was made for $5,000 and has become something of a thorn in the side for the now legit Sly, who can't seem to shake this mythical porno.

The Role: Sly is Stud, of course. Because even pre-Rocky Stallone wasn't going to be some random extra in a porn. He was going to be the Italian Sausage...er...Stallion. (Curiously enough, the filmmakers redistributed the film and called it Italian Stallion after the success of the first Rocky.)

You never see too much of Stallone (sorry ladies?), since this movie is as soft-core as they come. But you do get to/have to watch him whip his girlfriend with a belt, because he's super into sadomasochism.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.