9 Famous Pieces Of Movie Trivia Everybody Believes (That Are Totally Wrong)

1. Lance Henriksen Has Been Killed By A Terminator, An Alien And A Predator

Commando 2
20th Century Fox

It’s a rare and distant honour for an actor to get killed by one of the holy trinity of eighties movie monsters; The Terminator, the Alien or the Predator. It’s an even rarer honour to get killed by all three, a record that apparently only two actors hold – Bill Paxton and Lance Henriksen.

While it’s true both actors received a rough time from the beasts, in Henriksen’s case he didn’t technically get killed by an Alien. He plays an android that gets ripped in half by the Alien Queen, but he survives that encounter at the end. In the third movie he’s badly damaged from a crash landing, and he later asks Ripley to shut him down because he doesn’t feel he can be fixed properly.

The alien attack didn’t do him any favours of course, but it didn’t kill him either, so Lance has only been killed by a Predator and Terminator. If we want to get super technical we could also argue Paxton was only knocked unconscious during his encounter with the T-800, but that’s a debate for another time.

Can you think of any other inaccurate pieces of movie trivia that people still believe? Share them in the comments below.

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Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.