The Wolf Of Wall Street boasted heavy drug use, more uses of the f-word than any other non-documentary, multiple overtly sexual scenes, a protagonist who beats up his wife and a shot of a quaaluded up Jonah Hill masturbating. It's fair to say it was pretty extreme. There was some of the typical Oscar controversy surrounding the film claiming it glamorised the lifestyle of Leonardo DiCaprio's Jordan Belfort, with some critics finding its idolising of the criminal obscene. That's a little far when it's clear the film is playing the old Goodfellas bait-and-switch (see point ten) and aiming the finger directly at the people who aspire for that lifestyle. But, according to the real Belfort himself, things could have been "much worse". In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, the stockbroker-cum-prisoner-cum-motivation speaker stated that while there was the odd bit of dramatic license the film is not only accurate in its depiction of his lifestyle, but in some regards Scorsese held back. Given that he sounds genuinely remorseful about the darker parts of his past it doesn't sound like this is school-boy posturing. Which begs the question - what was left out? From what he says it sounds like it was mostly drug-related. Whatever it was, it seems that a film that contains the phrase "cerebral palsy stage" could have been even more OTT. Which of these moments would you have like to have seen on screen? Join the discussion in the comments below.