9 Found Footage Fates Worse Than Death

8. Creep 2 - Being Seduced And Haunted By Your Would-Be Murderer

Megan Is Missing
The Orchard

The concept of the two Creep films to date is a pretty twisted one. Not just that, but there are still plans in place to revisit this premise for a third outing in the (hopefully) near future.

That first 2014 movie saw Mark Duplass' 'Josef' out to have his own story detailed for his unborn child. At this point, the belief is that Josef is terminally ill, and thus aspiring filmmaker Aaron is roped in to document this tale.

For Aaron, it all ended grimly in Creep, with him axed to death by Josef. By the time of Creep 2, Josef had taken on the name of Aaron and sought out Sara as his next documentarian. This time out, though, Sara embraces the eccentricities of 'Aaron' , happily believing that his schtick is merely an act.

Sara's fate is a strange one, for her humouring of Josef/Aaron/Whoever means she falls for the fella, becoming romantically involved... before she's then stabbed and dragged into an empty, waiting grave that's been put aside for her.

Despite the odds, Sara survives this encounter and makes her escape, with Aaron left for dead.

A final scene shows Sara being filmed on public transport by an unseen figure whistling a song associated with Aaron. As Sara looks up in shock, Creep 2 cuts to a close - with it unknown whether this really was Aaron, or even worse, that Sara is so messed up by her ordeal that she's imagining all of this.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.