9 Found Footage Fates Worse Than Death

7. The Blair Witch Project - Trapped With The Blair Witch

Megan Is Missing
Haxan Films

In terms of found footage movies, The Blair Witch Project is seen as the film that kickstarted this subgenre in a major way.

When Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sánchez's picture arrived in 1999, it was an absolute game-changer. Keep in mind that this was a time when the internet was still in its relative infancy, and The Blair Witch Project managed to convince so many people that this really was footage found after a group of three filmmakers had gone missing.

Throughout the 81-minute run time of The Blair Witch Project, the fate of the Heather, Mike and Josh trio is technically left ambiguous. While it's presumed that all three died, the actual death of any of the three is never shown on screen.

It's safe to assume that things didn't turn out all that well for the three, but in terms of what we, the audience, see, worse than actual death is what Heather is confronted with in the final minutes of the movie.

There, Heather sees the visage of Josh in the corner of a room, staring at the wall - which ties into the eerie legend that the Blair Witch would force a person to stand in the corner of a room as it tortures someone else, and makes Heather realise these any purported old wives' tales are harrowingly real.

In Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 and 2016's Blair Witch, we also realise that Heather may have been used as a tool to lure more victims to the Burkitsville Woods - or even that the first picture's characters may have ended up in some distorted timey-wimey loop of terror.

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Senior Writer

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