9 Found Footage Movies You Should Die Before You See

9. Paranormal Activity 3

It was bad enough when the first Paranormal Activity stretched a third-hand idea to feature length, but by the time a cottage industry emerged in the form of sequels, rip-offs and parodies, popular culture had gone terribly, terribly wrong. Ever wanted to see a prequel to a sequel that, although supposedly set in 1988, features too-contemporary actors and locations? That€™s Paranormal Activity 3. Once again, some boring people film themselves sleeping, opening doors and discussing minutiae before the (cough) action starts, but the creepiest thing here is that the filmmakers knew we€™d fall for their recycled shtick. They even recycle the let€™s-scare-the-babysitter gag from The Amityville Horror, which is apt because just like that supposedly true story, all PA3 wants is to fleece the unwary. Come to think of it, aren€™t these movies just scaled-down Amityvilles for the YouTube generation, whose minimalism disguises the factthat they offer nothing new? Sure they are, and part 3 is just like all the rest €“ it really gets going in the last 5 minutes.
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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'