9 Found Footage Movies You Should Die Before You See

7. Documenting The Grey Man

Made for $32,000 by first-time writer/director Wayne Capps, Documenting The Grey Man gets into your good graces by having as its protagonists a film crew who discuss the ease with which footage can be faked in such fare. They want to expose the whole charade with a bogus 'documentary' on The Grey Man, an apparition whose sudden appearance portends a coming hurricane. Unfortunately, some static scenes and characters who just look like actors reciting their lines means it loses its grip around the twenty-minute mark, after which all it has up its sleeve are the usual humdrum clichés: to camera confessionals, scenes shot using night vision, off-screen screaming and bookending captions proclaiming the footage "authentic". There's even a cute little girl being levitated by the ghost, although how this ties in with its meteorological proclivities is never fully explained. In true Blair Witch fashion, the film's biggest !*$% is also its first proper casualty, in this case a 'medium' who gets a dose of the real thing while attempting to communicate with the dead. There's also a homage to/rip-off of Rec's famed shot of a female character being dragged off-screen, but of course the movie ain't over until the last man standing drops the camera.
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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'