9 Frozen Life Lessons That Will Completely Change Your Life

1. Value Those Around You

Kylie Kendall Gif All families have their fair share of secrets and hard times and sometimes, life can be difficult and it is so for everyone. Family bonds are difficult to break and we should work hard to keep them intact; even if that means fighting Marshmellow, telling Olaf the truth about Summer and accepting their opinions even if it isn€™t what you want to hear: "What do you mean I can€™t marry a man I just met?" It might take a while to realise it, but those who are closest to you know what is best for you, simply because they love you, and that is something worth melting for. Thank you Frozen, for reminding everyone that true love does conquer all and that women don€™t need to rely on a Prince to save them €“ we can all just save each other.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com