9 Highly Questionable Actions Committed By Indiana Jones

1. The Remorseless Slaughtering Of Human Beings


Indiana Jones is responsible for a whole lotta death. Whether it€™s by his own hand or indirectly, there is no denying that he's killed numerous people. While Indy predominantly kills to preserve his own life, he doesn't think twice about dispatching whoever€™s in his way in order to achieve his end goal. While the movies portray Indy as a dashing adventurer do-gooder who is simply excising the world of bad guys, Indy's lack of feeling leads to some questions regarding his mental state. Raiders of the Lost Ark takes place in 1936. The Nazis are after the Ark because of Hitler's interest in the occult, Indy is after the Ark for the credit of discovering it. During the course of the film he kills quite a few German soldiers, hardly enemies to the world at large three years before the official start of World War II. While Belloq and Toht are given a little more characterisation that establishes them as €œbad guys€, the soldiers under their command are just doing what they€™re told. Nothing particularly nefarious about that. One can make the argument that Indy is just doing what he needs to do to survive, but the fact that he displays no remorse or regret is a bit worrisome. It€™s well documented that soliders in combat often experience immense guilt; some even suffer from post-traumatic stress. Indy, on the other hand, doesn't seem to have any problem adjusting to situations that bring him face-to-face with his own and others€™ mortality. Indy's darker, cold-blooded side is hinted at during a small exchange with Elsa in The Last Crusade, when he threatens her by saying €œAll I have to do is squeeze€. It makes you wonder if Indy enjoys all the violence or is simply desensitised to it. Either way, it makes him seem like he might have a screw or two loose. Agree? Disagree? Let us know in the comments section below.

Ryan Lynch is a freelance journalist from the United States. He currently lives in Adelaide, Australia and writes for Adelaide-based music magazine Rip It Up. He wishes he could live like Hank Moody, but he watches too much TV and plays too many videogames to be that nonchalant.