9 Highly Questionable Actions Committed By Indiana Jones

4. Indy's Skepticism Despite Obvious Evidence To The Contrary

indysmirk Indy's adventures have seen him traverse the globe searching for historical knick-knacks that will cement his name in the history books. He has gone up against virtually every stock €œbad guy€, from jungle dwelling tribesmen to Nazis to evil cultists. Indy always manages to come out on top because, well, he's the good guy. Indy has no problem throwing himself into situations of the €œoops I crapped my pants€ variety because he simply doesn't believe in any hocus pocus voodoo. For all of you who were peeved about Kingdom of the Crystal Skull revolving around aliens, I implore you to ask yourself, what were the MacGuffins of the previous three movies? Need a refresher? In Raiders of the Lost Ark Indy jumps at the chance to retrieve the fabled Ark of the Covenant, since finding the Ark would be a pretty awesome thing to list on his resume. As we all know, when the Nazis open the Ark, the wrath of God literally jumps out of it and melts people€™s faces off. In Temple of Doom he goes up against the human sacrificing Thuggee cult, where he witnesses a dude's heart get ripped out of his chest and he€™s lowered into a pit of molten lava while still alive. Later, Indy is brainwashed by some sort of black magic jujitsu after he is force fed blood out of a decapitated human head. In The Last Crusade, Indy chases down the Holy Grail, the cup Jesus Christ used at the Last Supper and sees all kinds of pants-wetting weirdness, like baddie Donovan rapidly aging, a 700-year-old Templar Knight and the magical healing of his mortally wounded father. Indy has come face-to-face with fantastical displays of the supernatural and the divine, yet he always manages to shrug them off with a one-liner and a smirk. When Donovan recounts the story of the Holy Grail in The Last Crusade, Indy has the gall to call it a 'bedtime story'. One would think that after he has seen, he would come to respect the awesome power of things that are not of this world. Speaking of which, this reminds me of...

Ryan Lynch is a freelance journalist from the United States. He currently lives in Adelaide, Australia and writes for Adelaide-based music magazine Rip It Up. He wishes he could live like Hank Moody, but he watches too much TV and plays too many videogames to be that nonchalant.