9 Horror Movie Scumbags Who Got Completely Under Your Skin

1. Last House On The Left (1972) - Krug, Weasel and Sadie

last_house_on_the_left_02 A movie that gives you three scumbags of equal scumminess to get under your skin. They kidnap two teenage girls - Mari and Phyllis - and subject them to torture, rape and murder. Krug (played by Lord of the cinematic scumbags - David Hess) is the head of the trio and the most depraved. He purposefully got his son Junior addicted to heroin so he can control him. His scummiest moment (in my eyes anyway) is when he cajoles Junior into killing himself - "BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT!!". Imagine coercing your kid into suicide. The scum factor is off the charts. Weasel is a pervert psychopath and Sadie is a vicious killer who gets her kicks out of pulling poor Phyllis' guts out of her abdomen when she is being stabbed. That is just beyond the scumbag factor and is an instance of sheer depravity. Apparently Weasel is a child molester and a peeping Tom. He gleefully assists Krug and Sadie in the defilement and murder of Mari and Phyllis. His comeuppance is rather fitting - he gets his manhood bitten off by Mari's vengeful mother. The trio of scumbags get under your skin because they are sociopathic, murdering, torturing assholes who maim, rape and murder two beautiful, innocent girls for kicks. It doesn't get much sicker than that.
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My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!