9 Implications Of Disney Potentially Buying Fox

7. The Original Star Wars Cuts On Blu-Ray, Unaltered

Disney Fox

In an age where Netflix and Amazon Prime dominate the living room, Blu-ray is at risk of falling by the wayside, but there's one release that would give physical storage solutions a shot in the arm.

Star Wars fans have long been clamouring for a Blu-ray release of the much-cherished theatrical cuts of the original trilogy, which hit cinemas in the 1970s and 1980s. These films have only seen a DVD release once, and even then they were shoddily lifted from the laserdisc editions.

They have never even seen a 1080p restoration, yet alone 4K re-releases, and part of the problem is Fox's stake in A New Hope. The studio still holds the physical distribution rights to the film, despite Disney's ownership of LucasFilm.

If the House of Mouse was to purchase Fox's movie assets, the rights to the entire Star Wars saga would end up under its umbrella, and this could pave the way for the long-awaited Blu-ray version of the original cinematic cuts, and possibly even a theatrical re-release.

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