9 Incredible Images Of Actors Becoming The Joker

7. Jack Nicholson (Batman 1989)

Until 2008, there was one interpretation of The Joker which stood firm and tall above all others, and that was Jack Nicholson's immense turn as the character in Tim Burton's hit 1989 Batman movie. Nicholson was a superb choice for the part, delivering a sublimely unsettling and at once hilariously camp interpretation of The Joker which very much made his and Tim Burton's vision stand out among previous iterations. In this four-part tile image, you can quite literally observe the actor's transformation from zero make-up, to having an insane 355 silicone adhesives applied to his face (because he was allergic to spirit gum), having white make-up applied to part of his face, and finally, the finished product. In honesty, slapping the actor in some light make-up without all the silicone work would probably have been good enough, because even the first image of Jack looks pretty damn terrifying.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.