9 Insane Movie Scenes That Are Totally Out Of Place

1. The Amazing Jazz-Man - Spider-Man 3

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRPoiTHMuzc Look, I love Sam Raimi: I'd probably rate him a notch above, like, Orson Welles or something. But this is... this is just utterly bizarre, because it really, really doesn't have any context at all. Like, none. What has being "bad" got to do with, like, jazz and emo fringes? It's like your dad's personal version of what it means to be cool, circa 1977. The scene I'm referring to, of course, takes place around halfway through Spider-Man 3, when director Sam Raimi apparently removed his shirt and tie, did a backflip, and said, "Now we're going to shoot something totally f*cking nuts." The scene starts nuts and gets nuttier: Peter enters a jazz club and gets straight onto the piano, where he plays a succession of cool notes, before turning to Mary-Jane Watson (with a new, greasy emo fringe) and declaring, "This is for you." Okay, I'm uncomfortable, but... weirder things have happened, right? Wrong! Peter suddenly declares "double-time" (he actually says those words out loud) and leaps onto a table. Then he steals a girl's drink, swings on a chandelier, and uses a chair like it's a freakin' skateboard. I know what you're thinking thus far: douchebag. Things actually get worse from here, though (consider that this has nothing at all to do with plot, that Raimi has just thrown it in for kicks). Peter descends into a series of lame dance moves whilst the crowd clap him on like they've got nothing better to do with their lives but cheer the most obnoxious man in New York City. Then Peter actually does something so ridiculous that Sam Raimi's relatives probably stopped talking to him for a week after they saw it: he says the words "Now dig on this," the music slows, and he begins to shake his hips and click his fingers in rhythm. What sort of world is this? "Now dig on this"? I know Sam Raimi has a weird sense of humour, but the words "Now dig on this" were written down and somebody just said that was okay? I mean, I'm fully aware that Spider-Man is based on a comic book, and that the rules are different, and that there are giant octopus scientists and flying green William Dafoe goblins and Tobey Mcguire kissing Kirsten Dunst like that's fine, but this... I can't believe this ever happened. It's too unreal. Even for Spider-Man. Got any insane movie scenes that are totally out of place of your own? Let us know in the comments section below.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.