9 Insane Movie Scenes That Are Totally Out Of Place

5. Supermarket - 28 Days Later

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1ToVLZJJoQ I've got a feeling that some people probably like this one, because, hey, it's a nice moment, and doesn't the rage-infected zombie world need a few of those? But I don't think that it does, to be honest, because this scene just seems completely at odds with the rest of Danny Boyle's 28 Days Later. Having escaped a horde of terrifying infected human monsters, our gang head into a supermarket to stock up on supplies. That makes perfect sense - they've a long road ahead of them. When we get inside this supermarket, though, Boyle decides to use a song called "A.M 180" by a band called Grandaddy over a montage of our heroes, like, running about and enjoying themselves. Considering that this is probably the only "happy" scene in the entire film, it just doesn't fit. Granted, if I go shopping now I always imagine that this song is playing in the background, so it has improved my life in one way, I suppose. Still, no: I don't want it in this movie. There's no video for this one anywhere online as far as I can tell, so you'll have to settle for the song itself playing over some footage from 28 Days Later. You don't want that? Fair enough. Remember, though, 10 years ago, even that would've been amazing.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.